Hornbeer Weissbier is our local version of the famous southern German weissbier,or wheatbeer. You should at one time or another, let your vacation go to southern Germany. In our view, Germany is an overlooked destination. Many rush down the A7 to get to France or Italy. But just try to stop before. When you have just passed Kassel, youmeet the beautiful nature. Mountains and forests and the southern German towns that are so rich in beautiful architecture. And well, then there is also just beer culture. In this region you will find the traditionel conservative brewing culture. And here amongwheat beer, or weissbier – the name in german. For us, summer and sun is equal to cold wheat beer. Enjoy Hornbeer Weissbier cold from the refrigerator in large glass with high foam. It is the perfect beer to light summer dishes at the barbeque, or just whenyou are thirsty. 4,8%ABV
Vol: 4,8%
Ibu: 11,9
Ebc: 6,67
Orange peel
Best with
Thirst Closes
White non fatty fish