Once upon a time, all beers were Rauchbiers, so to speak. The term Rauchbiersimply means "smoked beer" in German, and with the ancient kilning methods of drying green brewer's malt over open fires, all grains picked up smoky flavors and passed them on to the beers made from them. Today, however, with "clean" malt being the dominantbrewing grist, old-style "smoke beers" have set themselves apart as an atavistic rarity, a throwback to a time gone by. Our Rauchbieris a barley-based lager. We use smoked malt and pilsnermalt and a bit of dark malt. Drink this beer with an open to old stylefood - smoked sausages or ham. We think you will like it.
5,8% ABV
Vol: 5,6%
Ibu: 27,95
Ebc: 41,7
Scout bonfire
Gold European Beer Star 2015
Bronze, Australian Beer Awards 2013
Best with
Lunch table
Omelette with bacon
Old-fashioned grandmother food